'Blue Monday' by Natasja De Wet

Why is it that I find myself in the studio, when the plan for the day is to do administration, marketing or any kind of paperwork!

Why is it that I find myself in the studio, when the plan for the day is to do administration, marketing or any kind of paperwork!

'Art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos. A stillness which characterizes prayer, too, and the eye of the storm... an arrest of attention in the midst of distraction.
- Saul Bellow (1915 - 2005)


Visual artist Natasja de Wet and Make-up artist/fashion designer and friend Stacy-Robin Moa

Visual artist Natasja de Wet and Make-up artist/fashion designer and friend Stacy-Robin Moa

Driving the show’s global credibility was the glamorous and sophisticated celebrity Master of Ceremonies Jen Su

Driving the show’s global credibility was the glamorous and sophisticated celebrity Master of Ceremonies Jen Su

Thank you to Red Carpet Concepts for inviting me to display my artwork at the entrance to the ramp for the models at the annual Red Carpet Fashion Show 2016.

I mentioned in a previous blog-post that I am camera shy and while I was installing my artwork the day before the event, managing director of Red Carpet Concepts, Jade Allen, casually asked if I could do the interview a.s.a.p. and my obvious reply was: ‘now or never!’ (In my working gear, ‘nogal’). So, the interview is not as glamorous as the event but this interview is the best yet.

The entire event is going to be screened on DSTV: Fashion One and an article in Prestige Magazine.

CONTEMPLATION: by Natasja De Wet

I am excavating solid courage.

Ambivalent spiraling

Pushing into the direction of clarity.

I am contemplating;

Unfolding the balance

Containing nurturing love;

Shaping me.

RED CARPET CONCEPTS: The Bay Hotel by Natasja De Wet

In my opinion this event is about stimulating the senses; seeing, smelling, eating, hearing, dancing and being pampered; (touch - massage and professional make-up). We are going to view and enjoy art, fashion, canapés, a dance performance and an after party! Oh yes and goodie bags (just for fun).

I must admit that I am not fond of television interviews and I often decline them, but I’ll wear my ‘public artist mask’ and give it another try.

For more information contact Red Carpet Concepts -https://www.facebook.com/redcarpetconcepts/


Thank you Les for photographing my load of work, you love your job as much as I do mine!

My vehicle/car (tiny VW) double up as a 'van' and that is why I chose my nifty little car.

My vehicle/car (tiny VW) double up as a 'van' and that is why I chose my nifty little car.

At Les Hammond's studio, loving every minute of discovering what is needed to complete this work!

At Les Hammond's studio, loving every minute of discovering what is needed to complete this work!

Les worked nonstop to photograph miniatures and massive work like this '10m-plus' work on paper.

Les worked nonstop to photograph miniatures and massive work like this '10m-plus' work on paper.

Yes! I do love my job; it is a job like any other job or career. Professional artists conceptualize, plan, source, buy media, sometimes recycled media or mediums to work with and scavenge nature and second hand shops and my favourite, the hardware store. We do administration and paper work, (I must confess paperwork is not my best), pay our taxes, we promote ourselves and yes, marketing is of utmost importance nowadays, (in my opinion). Sometimes it feels like we are prostituting ourselves, by using social media; pinning, sharing, over-sharing, email, tweet, and using Instagram etc. Some of us do put our social masks on and visit gallery openings, because that is part of networking. We visit galleries all over the country/world when we can so that our galleries do not forget our faces or connect with the person behind the artwork. And then we make/create artwork, build up stock, have the work photographed, deliver work, have solo exhibitions and group exhibitions. We have families like most people and most of us have second jobs, I chose facilitating Workshops. Some families of artists do not understand what the passion, obsession and having to create is about and often urges them to go out and find a real job, which is so sad and discouraging. So we have to believe in ourselves and keep going because not many ‘normal’ people get what being creative is about. Such a pity because some artists do need encouragement and it would be wonderful to be appreciated, acknowledged and accepted for what we are doing beyond all odds. What would the history of the world look like without art right from the beginning of time?